Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Swamp Stars

Bright stars shone through the clouds and lit up the smelly, sticky swamp. Shea shouldered her bag and took hope. #storyin140 #writingprompt @kendallwrites

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wooden Angel

He chiseled the wood carefully, shaping the wings and face with the utmost care. Lifting the tools, he smiled. #storyin140 #writingprompt @kendallwrites

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Too Late

He dropped the bag and fell to the ground, staring at the twisted bodies. He was too late. #storyin140 #writingprompt #betterlatethannever @kendallwrites

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Short Fuse

In agony I watched the green sparks fly off the fuse as it spluttered and burned faster and faster, seconds to go #storyin140 #writingprompt @kendallwrites

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